Wild Ginger - Asarum canadense
Asarum canadense or Wild Ginger, is an easy to grow woodland ground cover that will spread slowly by underground rhizomes. Wild Ginger will perform best in average moist soil with full to partial shade. The flowers of this species are generally hidden beneath the heart-shaped foliage relying on beetles for pollination. Although not related to the culinary ginger, the dried or fresh roots were used by early Americans as a ginger substitute. Normally used as a shade loving groundcover, Wild Ginger combines well with native ferns, Jack-in-the-pulpit, and Trillium.
Wild Ginger - Asarum canadense
Zone: 4-6
Spread: 1-1.5 ft.
Height: 6-12 in.
Sun: Partial shade to full shade
Water: Average to wet
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